• Composting recycles food scraps into valuable soil amendment, which reduces waste. Composting also mitigates the effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by reducing methane emissions from landfills.

  • We take your food scraps to South Tahoe Refuse’s (STR) resource recovery facility. From there, STR’s drivers take the food scraps to Full Circle Compost in Carson City and Full Circle processes the food scraps into soil. The soil can be used for gardens or large scale projects.

  • All food scraps and FOOD SCRAPS ONLY! No paper or “compostable” cutlery or cups or plates. Food scraps includes meat and bones, as well as dairy and spoiled food.

  • Full Circle Composts processes food waste separately from green waste. Green waste includes yard clippings, pine needles, dead flowers, and such. South Tahoe Refuse offers curbside pick-ups for green waste only. Food waste includes food only.